WeMove Europe gGhmbH
Citizens' Assemblies

Citizens' Assemblies

A Citizens' Assembly is a democratic tool in which randomly selected ordinary citizens (as opposed to stakeholders or experts) come together to discuss a specific political issue in a structured way. WeMove Europe gGmbH looked into the concept of Citizens' Assemblies for the first time in 2016.

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Citizens’ Assembly for Climate in Spain

Citizens’ Assembly for Climate in Spain

Starting in November 2021, a government-led Climate Citizens' Assembly (CCA) process has started in Spain. The coordination of the campaigning work has been taken forward to WeMove Europe gGmbH.

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Citizen Assemblies for Renewing Engagement

Citizen Assemblies for Renewing Engagement

We organized citizen assemblies in cooperation with the University of Liverpool, Asociatia Efectul Fluture and de-clic Initiative in Romania, as well with European Alternatives in Italy and Dem Nets in Hungary.

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