Similarly to the non-profit OpenPetition gGmbH, we offer commited citizens, as well as organizations, the opportunity to create petitions and disseminate them (please visit our Start your campaign page). With this work, we pursue §2 Nr. 1 a and b of our social contract: the goal of promoting education and the goal of promoting democracy.
The aim of this is to promote stronger citizen engagement and participation in the formation of political opinion in Europe. YouMove is especially effective in that the Europe-wide petitions are in multiple languages. In this capacity, WeMove Europe gGmBH supervises the implementation of petition proposals, which are sent to it by individuals and partners from all over Europe.
Petitions in which the expected or measured interest of the citizens is particularly high are disseminated by WeMove Europe gGmBH to a wide range of interested parties. This is typically done by e-mail.
WeMove Europe gGmBH has developed a criteria catalogue by which these petitions can be accepted or declined. If a certain petition receives a high level of interest by citizens, then we use the chance to make it known to a wider audience of people through emails, and sometimes through facebook.
In total 100 new campaigns were launched on the YouMove platform in 2023 in 15 different languages. YouMove petitions collected over 500.000 signatures and we received 45,000 new contacts. As more people engage in campaigns and more partners initiate campaigns, it strengthens our ability to campaign on issues that citizens find important.